CSA Membership
By becoming a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) member with a local farmer, you are entering into a partnership in which both parties agree to share the risks and benefits of local food production.
A CSA member benefits by receiving local produce throughout the growing season, often harvested the day-prior or day-of pick-up. Not only do members get the best pricing (typically between 15% to 20% off retail pricing), we also grow some specialty crops that are only available to our CSA members.
The farmer benefits from receiving funds in advance of the growing season, which is then applied toward the early costs of production before market sales begin. We also get consistent feedback throughout the season, which helps tremendously with maintaining high quality produce and helps to determine future seed selections.
The risks of being a CSA member are centered around the often unpredictable challenges, such as weather-related disasters or uncontrollable pest management. Of course, we try our best to engage in preventative methods throughout the season. And, should we experience major challenges to food production, we will make sure our CSA members see the least amount of impact.
Interested in becoming a CSA member? Review the share information below and then click the "Get a Share" button when ready. The CSA shares will be removed from the farm store once all shares have been claimed.
Example of a Full Share (End of June)
Veggies included in this CSA were one bunch of onions, one bunch of beets, one new garlic, one bunch of Swiss chard, one bag of salad greens, one bag of snap peas, and one head of cabbage.
Example of a Half Share (Mid-July)
Veggies included in this CSA were one bunch of carrots, one bunch of Swiss chard, one bunch of onions, a handful of snap peas, a large bag of salad greens, one new garlic, and one bundle of a flowering herb.
Example of a Full Share (Mid-July)
Veggies included in this CSA were two bunches of carrots, one bunch of Swiss chard, two bunches of onions, a handful of snap peas, a large bag of salad greens, one new garlic, and one bundle of a flowering herb.
CSA shares are available weekly over a 21-week period: starting the week of May 19, 2025, and ending the week of October 13, 2025. There is one scheduled break when CSA shares will not be available, occurring June 30, 2025 through July 6, 2025.
Your specific CSA day of the week will depend on the pickup location you select (more information regarding pickup locations below).
There are two types of shares available.
- The half share is meant for 2–3 people and is valued at $28/week, totaling $588 for the season.
- The full share is meant for 3–4 people and is valued at $39/week, totaling $819 for the season.
The total value of each share includes a 15% to 20% discount from retail prices.
All of our CSA shares are packaged as farmer’s choice, meaning that you are not able to customize the share week to week. With that said, we try to balance the share so that the vegetables complement one another and can be paired together as a meal. And, we try not to offer the exact same vegetables two weeks in a row.
Here's a list of what we are growing this season: arugula, basil, beans, beets, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chives, cilantro, collard greens, cucumbers, dill, eggplant, fall squash, fennel, garlic, garlic scapes, ginger, gourds, head lettuce, kale, leeks, muskmelon, onions, oregano, okra, peas, peppers (sweet and spicy), radishes, rosemary, sage, salad mix (regular and spicy), shallots, summer squash, spinach, Swiss chard, tarragon, tomatoes, turnips, watermelon, and zucchini.For those of you who have been members before, we plan to do a heavier emphasis on herbs this year.
Since our farm is located on private property and in North Longmont, we do not offer farm pickups. Instead, we pre-pack CSAs in bags and drop the bags off at the identified locations.
Pickups in Aurora and Denver will occur on Wednesdays.
Pickups in Boulder, Broomfield, Lafayette, Longmont, Niwot, and Sugarloaf Road will occur on Thursdays.
Pickups at farmers markets will occur on the weekends during market hours (see below for hours and locations).
Once you add a share to your cart in the farm shop, you will be able to see more details before you check out. And, during the season, CSA members will be able to change pick-up locations on GrownBy if the request is submitted at least three days in advance of the new pick-up date.
If you are out of town and need to skip a CSA share, you have three options:
- You can use a vacation day (members are given four vacation days), which means that the farm will not prepare a CSA share for you that week, and you will receive farm credit for that week’s share amount. The farm credit can be used for a purchase at a future date, including at farmers markets. Farm credits do not expire, and they cannot be exchanged for a cash refund.
- You can reschedule your share for another week, meaning the farm will not prepare a CSA share for you on the skipped day, and you will receive two shares on the rescheduled day.
- You can have a friend pick up your share. There is no need for advance communication to the farm team, just make sure your friend knows how and where to pick up the CSA share.
We highly recommend CSA members pick up their weekly shares on the same day of delivery, as overnight cooling is not a guarantee at each location. For non-farmers market locations, any shares still present after two days (including delivery day) will be donated. For farmers market locations, any shares still present at the end of market will be donated.
For the members who have purchased an add-on share, please note that the above options may not be available for add-ons. If vacation and/or rescheduled days are not available, and you aren’t able to coordinate with a friend for pickup, that week’s add-on will be donated. -
If you are unable to pay the full cost, let's connect via email to discuss a cost-adjusted share plan that works for you, as it is important to us that our produce is available to anyone who wants it, regardless of one's income or access to wealth. We can also connect you with local, no-cost grocery programs.
We are not certified organic; however, we are committed to growing organically per the certification guidelines and more. A few examples of our growing practices:
- We use organic and untreated seeds, from which we grow our own plant starts.
- We engage in soil-conserving practices by using cover crops and mulches, testing our soils regularly, and adding necessary nutrients and minerals.
- We do not use synthetic fertilizers or sprays.
Add-ons may only be selected once you have selected a Switch Gears Farm CSA share in the farm shop. The add-ons are created in partnership with local vendors, and more may be added at a later date once additional partnerships are established. While we can allow for vacation days or reschedule days with the farm CSA, there may not be flexibility for the add-ons as we pay for those products in advance prior to the start of CSA season.
GrownBy is a fair and transparent online platform used for direct sales access between farmers and their customers. GrownBy was created by farmers and is owned by members of the Farm Generations Coop. An account is necessary as the platform will send automated reminders related to purchased items; however, you may choose to use the app or visit your account via the website. The benefit to using the app is that you will receive more immediate notifications.
Prior to switching to GrownBy, every step we took from harvest to delivery was done manually once an order was placed, which left much room for human error. Plus, we were limited in how much information we could share or what type of payments we could accept. With the support of GrownBy, we anticipate the user experience to be more pleasant, for both the CSA members and the farm team.
For support with using the GrownBy platform, visit https://support.grownby.com/portal/en/kb/grownby-support.
Once you click on “Get A Share” on this page, our farm shop on GrownBy will open in a new tab. The farm shop shows a description of the shares and add-ons (more may be added through the spring). Click on each product to learn more and add to the cart. Once you are done placing products in your cart, click on “Checkout” while viewing the cart. If you are not logged in already, you will be asked to create an account or login at this time - we recommend using an email address to create the account so you can receive email notifications. Once logged in, you can continue with checking out using one of the checkout methods listed below:
- Pay in full, with a credit card or bank account, at time of checkout. Select “Pay-In-Full” and enter requested information in the “Payment” section.
- Pay monthly, with a credit card or bank account, at time of checkout. Select “Monthly Payments” and enter requested information in the “Payment” section. This option may not be available for add-ons.
- Pay offline, with cash or check, at a later date. Select “Pay-In-Full” or “Monthly Payments” and then select “Pay Offline” in the “Payment” section. Once completed, you will receive an invoice.
If checking out with a credit card or bank account, you will have the option to cover the transaction fees associated with an online payment - while we appreciate the coverage, it is not required in order to make a purchase. To remove this coverage, uncheck the “Cover Farmer Fees” option in the “Farmer Love” section below the “Payment” section.
We recommend doing one final review, then click “Place Order” at the bottom right when you are ready.
For additional support, contact us via email or search through GrownBy’s Support page (https://support.grownby.com/portal/en/kb/grownby-support). -
The short answer is…it depends. A CSA member can change the size of their share prior to April 30, 2025, as long as the new size desired is still available for purchase in the farm shop. There is no admin fee to make this change prior to April 30, 2025.
A CSA member can also cancel their CSA share and receive a full refund (minus transaction fees if you paid with a credit card or bank account) if the cancellation is completed prior to April 30, 2025.
Starting May 1, 2025, no refunds will be issued for cancellations unless the share is taken over by another person. We sometimes have folks reaching out to see if shares are still available after they are sold out - if that is the case, we can help coordinate between both individuals.
If there’s any critical changes to your CSA or add-on shares, we will email you or send a notification through GrownBy. Otherwise, general farm updates will be available on Bluesky and Instagram.
Farmers Market
Two blocks on Public Rd between Cleveland St & Geneseo St
Lafayette, CO 80026
Every Sunday from May 4, 2025 — October 26, 2025
9AM — 1PM
2551 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80206
Every Saturday from May 3, 2025 — October 25, 2025
8AM — 1PM